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AMD Open 3.0 offre semplicità, efficienza energetica e risparmi economici per i Data Center

AMD lancia la nuova piattaforma AMD Open 3.0 - nome in codice “Roadrunner” – una riprogettazione totale della scheda madre per server sviluppata in base agli standard del Open Compute Project.

AMD Open 3.0 consente guadagni sostanziali in termini di flessibilità, efficienza e costi operativi, grazie ad una semplificazione nel design della scheda madre con un singolo prodotto in grado di rispondere alle diverse esigenze di carichi di lavoro, qualis l’ high-performance computing (HPC), le infrastrutture cloud e lo storage. Questo innovativo design è ottimizzato per eliminare caratteristiche che sono tipicamente sovradimensionate nei server tradizionali.


AMD Open 3.0, basato sul nuovo processore AMD Opteron™ della serie 6300, può essere installato in tutti gli ambienti rack standard da 19" senza alcuna modifica, così come in ambienti Open Rack. Sistemi di pre-produzione basati sulla piattaforma AMD Open 3.0 sono attualmente disponibili per alcuni selezionati clienti. Soluzioni commerciali prodotte da Quanta Computer e Tyan si prevede saranno disponibil tramite Avnet Electronics Marketing, Penguin Computing ed altri integratori prima della fine del primo trimestre di quest’anno.

Suresh Gopalakrishnan, Corporate Vice President e General Manager della divisione server di AMD, parlerà oggi degli ultimi sviluppi dell’Open Compute e del suo impatto nel settore, in occasione dell’Open Compute Summit.

Di seguito la notizia in dettaglio:


SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Jan. 16, 2013 — OPEN COMPUTE SUMMIT - AMD (NYSE: AMD) today is launching the AMD Open 3.0 platform (formerly codenamed “Roadrunner,”) a radical rethinking of the server motherboard designed to the standards developed by the Open Compute Project. AMD Open 3.0 enables substantial gains in computing flexibility, efficiency and operating cost by simplifying motherboard design with a single base product to address multiple enterprise workloads, including high-performance computing, cloud infrastructure and storage. This innovative design is optimized to eliminate features typically over-provisioned in traditional server offerings.

Today’s servers are designed with a “one size fits most” approach incorporating many features and capabilities that can inefficiently utilize space and power, increasing cost. Many mega data centers have engineers developing optimized platforms with the minimum set of components for specific workloads. The desired result is a tailored solution with the ideal combination of power, space and cost. The AMD Open 3.0 platform is designed to easily enable IT professionals to “right size” the server to meet specific compute requirements. Fidelity Investments and Goldman Sachs are evaluating AMD Open 3.0 as part of their collaboration on the Open Compute Project.

We became involved with the Open Compute Project very early as we saw a pervasive demand for simplified, energy efficient servers,” said Suresh Gopalakrishnan, corporate vice president and general manager, Server, AMD. “Our goal is to reduce data center power consumption and cost yet increase performance and flexibility– we believe that AMD Open 3.0 achieves this.”

“This is a realization of the Open Compute Project’s mission of ‘hacking conventional computing infrastructure,’” said Frank Frankovsky, chairman of the Open Compute Foundation and VP of Hardware Design and Supply Chain at Facebook. “What’s really exciting for me here is the way the Open Compute Project inspired AMD and specific consumers to collaboratively bring our ‘vanity-free’ design philosophy to a motherboard that suited their exact needs.”

AMD Open 3.0, powered by the recently announced AMD Opteron™ 6300 Series processors, can be installed in all standard 19” rack environments without modification, as well as in Open Rack environments. The AMD Open 3.0 motherboard is a 16” x 16.7” board designed to fit into 1U, 1.5U, 2U or 3U rack height servers. It features two AMD Opteron 6300 Series processors, each with 12 memory sockets (four channels with three DIMMs each,) 6 Serial ATA (SATA) connections per board, one dual channel gigabit Ethernet NIC with integrated management, up to four PCI Express® expansion slots, a mezzanine connector for custom module solutions, one serial port and two USB ports. Specific PCI Express card support is dependent on usage case and chassis height.

Pre-production AMD Open 3.0 systems are currently available to select customers. Production systems from Quanta Computer and Tyan are expected to be available through Avnet Electronics Marketing, Penguin Computing and other system integrators before the end of Q1.

We have eagerly awaited the AMD Open 3.0 platform as it brings the benefits and spirit of the Open Compute Project to a much wider set of customers,” said Charles Wuischpard, CEO, Penguin Computing. “As we deliver a new line of Penguin servers based on AMD Open 3.0 and AMD Opteron 6300 Series processors, our high performance computing, cloud and enterprise customers can now deploy application-specific systems using the same core building blocks that are cost, performance and energy optimized and perhaps most important, consistent. We think this initiative eliminates unnecessary complexity and provides new levels of supportability and reliability to the modern data center.”

Gopalakrishnan will discuss AMD’s latest Open Compute development and its impact on the industry at the Open Compute Summit today in a session titled “An Introduction to the Open Compute 3.0 Modular Server” at 3:30 p.m. PT. Static demonstrations of the AMD Open 3.0 will also be shown in AMD’s booth B4.


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